Garden Bed Disclaimer and Warranty
Our aim is to provide you with a chemical free natural timber product and while it is our hope that our garden beds will last a long time, the reality is they have a limited life span when in wet soil.
Our Garden beds have an expected life span of 3-8 years.
The science suggests - “Natural durability is very variable within species and even within trees. Hence there will always be specific examples of timber from a species that fall outside the durability range given for that species”.
Warranty Terms Updated 9/7/2024
Because of the nature of natural mac in the ground, MacDirect Limited offer a parts replacement warranty for garden beds and compost bins for 2 years from date of purchase for garden beds that are install in a natural state. After two years MacDirect offers post and rail replacement at your cost. This means you can change out the rails and posts that are affected.
(To be eligible for parts replacement warranty, a proof or purchase is required. Evidence of rot or decay is required before replacement will be issued. Under this warranty a maximum of 50% of the garden can be replaced, as it is unusual for a garden bed to rot under 3 years.)
Thanks and enjoy gardening that’s chemical free!
Natural Timber
When you purchase any product from Urbanmac, you are buying a natural timber product. It's important to understand that while we attempt to make you products as perfect as possible, it will never be like manufactured wood, glass or plastic. Part of the character of our timber are in some of the imperfections that come from the logs.
How long will my macrocarpa beds last for?
Under testing macrocarpa has a similar durability to H3.1 treated pine, in its natural form. It is extremely durable and strong. Untreated macrocarpa, in contact with soil should last between 3-8 years but this can vary due to the nature of environmental factors out of our control. Some our customers boxes have lasted 10 years or so on the soil, however we have had reports of others lasting 3-4 years. If you want to increase the lifespan of your boxes even further, we recommend staining with a woodoil which absorbs deep into the timber, rather than coating it (preventing the oil from soaking into the dirt). We supply this oil, so email us if you wish to add this to your purchase.
What is the size of the timber you use in your garden beds?
The timber we use for the corner and centre posts is Dressed 90mm/90mm. The rails are 40mm finished. Size may reduce by 2 to 3mm due to the timber drying.
Do I need a base on my garden bed?
No, when placed on the lawn the bed does not need a base. The water will drain through the bed to the soil below. We recommend lining it with a few sheets of newspaper on the ground first - don't use any nasty plastic stuff!
How long will my macrocarpa furniture last for?
Left untreated and out in the elements, macrocarpa will last 20-50 years! This varies depending on the climate and elements and we cannot guarantee exactly how long it will last but we would suggest a good 15-20 years (above ground) would be realistic- probably more. Treated with an oil based coating it will last even longer and we recommend using woodoil which we can supply.
If I don’t oil or treat my table will the colour fade?
Yes. Our tables are sold mostly untreated as most people like the natural look. The timber will fade into a soft honey blonde colour and then to a silver grey.
Can I use a natural stain on my macrocarpa table?
Yes, for a natural stain you can use any cooking oil and rub it on. You can contact us regarding stains that we think are pretty cool (we love Dryden, and Woca Denmark and can supply and/or apply).
Does macrocarpa crack?
Yes, all timber cracks and splits, this is normal and a natural part of weathering. Even houses made of timber crack and it has no impact on the structural strength of the timber. You can reduce cracking and splitting by using woodoil..
What if my macrocarpa garden box has knots in it?
It's likely that it will, that's the beauty of natural timber products they aren't perfectly formed and have character. We cannot provide you with any knot free products and this will not affect the quality, strength or life of your product.
How do I order a garden bed or table?
Purchase straight off our website under the Shop Now category, or for custom orders email us with your request. We will reply within the day and will send you an invoice with our bank account number. Once payment is made, we will process your order and have your items delivered within 5-7 working days!
What if I am not happy with my purchase?
We don't do refunds for changing minds due to the cost of producing products and delivery. If you are seriously unhappy with your product because it is not up to the standard, you expected (this is very unlikely to occur) we will discuss options with you. If a decision is made to refund your product, we will collect it from you and refund you the purchase price.
How can I get the best life out of my macrocarpa products?
Macrocarpa and Cypress are some of the most sought-after timbers which are ideal for many outdoor and indoor uses. It is a fine-grained wood which is durable and resistant to rotting and insects. Because Macrocarpa is a top choice for carefree living, it can be left natural, or it can be painted or stained to match any decor.
Left un-tinted, Macrocarpa will weather to a beautiful soft silver grey. Untreated Macrocarpa is natural and pleasing, however the wood is porous and over the long term may become discoloured if left in damp or shaded areas. A 20 percent solution of household bleach in water with one ounce of detergent per gallon will usually remove the stain. Even after years of exposure Macrocarpa can be refinished to its natural bright, clean appearance. Many people prefer to allow their Macrocarpa furniture to age naturally outdoors.
Over time the colour will weather to a handsome silver grey highlighted by darker streaks, and the grain of the wood will become slightly raised. For protection that helps enhance and maintain the wood's natural colour, there are several wood oils available, which will need to be re-applied to maintain their look. If you would like to preserve the freshly sanded Macrocarpa with some added colour, we recommend that you use two coats of stain with an UV inhibitor. Every second year you might re-apply a coat of stain to freshen the finish. Little or no sanding preperation or primer is needed when you use a stain. Stain is breathable and will repel moisture, therefore, no blistering or peeling should occur. Well dried Macrocarpa accepts paint well.
How do I set up my kitset table?
Our tables are delivered in kitset form, with easy to install interlocking pieces. They are very heavy and need at least 2 people to help lift and assemble. We can send instructions on how to do this if you need it and you are welcome to ring us with any questions. Each piece of timber is very heavy, and it is important that the table is set up correctly to prevent any injury. Please note this is your responsibility as owners to make sure the table is installed safely. Any queries about this please call us.
Where is your macrocarpa sourced from?
urbanmac is the online store for one of NZ's largest macrocarpa timber company, Macdirect Ltd. As a sawmill we aim get our mac from sustainably grown plantation forests in New Zealand.