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Understanding the MacDirect Mac Timber Grades

Grading timber to New Zealand standards is a fine art, let alone grading macrocarpa cypress timbers. A lot has changed in our business over the years, especially in the supply of logs to our yard. What used to truck in here was very different than what arrives each week at our mill in Patumahoe now. You can read more about this in Murray's blog post on our history of supplying mac ,

I want to talk a little bit about our timber grades and why we call things, what we do. In part because it is a frequently asked question, but mainly because it's different from other timbers and suppliers.


Tight knot #1 - This grade of timber is our most common. We supply this grade for all types of applications.

  • For traditional timber heads, it's usually a traditional "Dressing Grade" with some downgrade and higher-grade features. This means you will see tight knots, the odd small bark encased knots, resin streaks and pockets. It is most common when we supply #1 structural timbers, decking and flooring. We grade this to meet visual grading standards for framing and beams.

We also have cultivated a strong offering to the weatherboard and cladding market, providing two grades of compliant weatherboard. This comes with its own challenges from a grading perspective, but to see the results..... it's worth it.

Tight Knot Weatherboard - Heart

  • Grading weatherboard has changed over the years especially when you are looking at grading our Tight Knot #1 grade for weatherboard. This is what we are known for. You can see the homes below for the look. This is a dressing grade and higher. NZS3602 now states new additions to this grade (as mentioned in NZS3631), so we now work to meet those standards, while still offering this product to homeowners who want the visual appeal.

Clears Weatherboard = Heart

  • Our clears are a stunning premium timber cladding option. Yup, for those who want a clear premium look for their homes, our heart clears are perfect. Clears means no knots on the face of the board to give a traditional native timber look without having to use native timbers. This is graded for heartwood to comply with NZS3602. Read more on weatherboard grading here.


MacDirect also offers internal grades. These are known a panel grades for sarking and wall coverings, joinery etc. These grades come in both tight knots, clears and #2 shed lining grades.

  • Panel Grade #1 - Dressing grade and lower. PG#1 is a panel grade and is ideal for TGV and sarkings. This is our tight knot #1 grade but includes sapwood in the end products and a few other features.

  • Clears internal grade. This is exactly the same as our clears weatherboard products but will include sapwood. It's perfect for joinery and sarkings etc, jams etc.

Final our classic and less and less common for MacDirect is our second grade.

  • For want of a better use we call it a "#2 SHED LINING" - This is our second grade or down-grade product and will include all features, bark encased knots, resin pockets and some holes from knots falling out! This is downgraded from all the grades above and is more common in low grade logs. But surprising looks great when used to line sheds.

The final part in grading our timber is ensuring our customers understand how to look after the timber to ensure longevity. While mac can't be treated (in part because it is already compliant to equivalent H3.1 natural durability), there are plenty of options to help protect it and ensure it's going to be around for a very long time.... But that's another blog post.

MacDirect General Manager, Scott Kelso

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